Improving life. Improving Earth. This statement is the life blood of Lukara. Born out of the desire to provide a better life for our family, our friends, even the people we walk by day in and day out. We realize that the bettering of life takes a team effort. A global team. We all have a responsibility to help one another.
The Lukara team also realizes that one of the most important things we can do to help those around us and our future generations, is to help the planet. Our home, the only home we are blessed to share. As a species, we have rapidly accelerated the decline of our amazing world. Now it is up to all of us to help nurture the planet that has nurtured us our entire lives.
At Lukara, we understand that using environmentally sourced materials is one of the many ways we can begin to help repair this amazing, but fragile place we all call home. One more step we will take, with your help and support, is to donate a portion of all Lukara proceeds to habitat restoration. This will help to assure that our beautiful Earth will be around for many generations to come. Together we can improve life. Together we can improve our Earth.
Our Mission
MyLukara was born out of a desire to provide a more sustainable life for our family, friends and the people with whom we share the planet. We all have a responsiblity to help one another. At MyLukara we recognize that by preserving our habitats and the delicate surroundings, we help future generations of humans and animals breath fresher air. We support the Nature Conservancy and it's efforts towards conservation of the natural world.
Let's all participate in reducing and eliminating plastic waste. We can do it, one product at a time.